Easy eggless chocolate truffle cake recipe without oven


250 grams dark chocolate,
125 grams heated fresh cream,
1 and 1/2 cup all purpose flour,
2 tbsp cocoa powder,
1 cup milk,
2 tbsp milk for adjust consistency,
1 cup powder sugar,
1/2 cup oil, 
1 tbsp vinegar,
1 tsp baking powder,
1/2 tsp baking soda,
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla essence or chocolate essence,
some silver sprinkles for decoration.

Detailed step by step video for this recipe- 

Easy and simple chocolate truffle cake recipe
Eggless and without oven.
You can prepare it at home for birthday and anniversary .


For chocolate sponge-
Grease 6-7 inch cake tin and line with butter paper.
In a large bowl add milk,powder sugar,oil, vanilla essence and vinegar in the bowl and mix well.
Keep the mixture aside for 10 mins.
After 10 mins mix the mixture.
Place a sieve and add all purpose flour,cocoa powder,baking powder,baking soda and salt altogether in the mixture.
Whisk well until no lumps.
Add 2 tbsp milk for adjust consistency.
Mix well again for 1 min.
Batter is ready to bake.
Pour the batter into the greased tin.
Tap 2-3 times to level it uniformly.
To prepare a sponge in the nonstick pan ,first put wire stand cover with lid and preheat for 10 mins on medium to slow flame.
After preheat the pan put cake tin inside the pan cover and bake on slow flame for 50-55 mins
Or bake it in the preheated oven at 180° for 30-40 mins.
After 55 mins insert the toothpick in the centre of the sponge and check it .
If toothpick comes out clean sponge is done.
Let cool down the sponge completely .
After cool down demould the sponge and remove the butter paper.

For chocolate ganache-
In a bowl add grated dark chocolate ,butter and warm fresh cream mix well .
Leave it for 5 mins.
After 5 mins stir well until smooth.
Now keep it in the fridge for 10 mins to set.

Sugar syrup -
In a bowl add sugar and water and stir until sugar dissolves completely.

For assembling the cake -
Cut the chocolate sponge into three layers.
Remove extra cracks or parts.
Place first layer on the cake board.
Brush sugar syrup evenly.
Spread chocolate ganache.
Put second layer of the sponge.
Brush sugar syrup.
Spread chocolate ganache.
Now put third layer.
Brush sugar syrup.
Cover whole the cake with ganache uniformly and smooth it with spatula.
Now keep it in the fridge for 20-25 mins to set.

For chocolate dripping -
Add 2 tbsp milk in the leftover ganache and heat up on double boiler.
Let it cool down on room temperature.

For decoration -
After the cake is set, apply dripping.
Cover upper part with dripping.
Make chocolate flowers with the help of star nozzel.
Put some silver balls.

Your Chocolate truffle cake is ready to cut.
Enjoy with your family and love ones.


  1. I added the measurements as you suggested and baked in the same manner, but not get that much spongy and it was off very smooth even not able to separate layers

    Can you please suggest me where I did mistake and why it is happened like that ?


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